Lymphoedema: Taking ControlIn 2024, I worked with Professor John Boyages on his latest book, Lymphoedema: Taking Control.
Professor Boyages is a radiation oncologist and professor with over 40 years' experience in breast cancer. He has published several books on breast cancer and related topics, and this is the latest in his Taking Control series. Lymphoedema is a chronic condition that can develop after cancer treatment. It's distressing and uncomfortable, and there is no cure. However, it can be managed; there are ways to mitigate the damage, particularly with early intervention. Lymphoedema: Taking Control is a helpful, practical guide that covers everything from screening and diagnosis to treatment options and the psychosocial impact of lymphoedema. This was a rewarding project to be involved with, and I hope that this book will be able to help patients, caregivers and health professionals. Click on the image for more information and to view other publications by Professor John Boyages. |